Waiting With Kitty

I danced the dance of true love
I cried the sorrow of heartache
I laughed the joy of life
I lived beyond the moment

That popped in to my head earlier today, no idea what brought it on, but I like it.

I met with my advisor today. After handing in the rest of what is required I am officially on the waiting list for January. Unfortunately they have no set time when they pick from the list; it could be in two weeks or two months. So now I wait, with bated breath, on pins and needles, for that one exact moment, when I learn if I am good enough for them, or will I be rejected and cast aside like a bad tomato, splattering my rotted insides as I land......... Sorry, got carried away in the moment.

I played spin the cat earlier with Squeaky. We have an extra office chair that swivels and she likes to lay in it and get spun while trying to grab your hands.
I don’t spin her fast or constantly, but she really does enjoy it and gets all playful and feisty. Now she is curled up and sleeping in the same chair. Oh, lest we forget the simple enjoyments of life.

Sweet dreams kitty.


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