The Light

There is a light shining behind the maple tree in the back yard. What could it be? I ponder this as I quietly open the sliding door and listen for noise. My ears straining I hear nothing but the breeze rustling the fallen leaves. I glance at the tree and the light glows brighter enhancing my curiosity. My senses are on full alert as I make my way across the deck, pausing at the steps. My nose picks up the slight smell of vanilla, but from where? Continuing my quest I make my way down the steps and across the lawn towards the light. Cautiously I round the tree and stop, stunned at what I find. Hovering about 4 feet is a white glowing orb. The brightness is almost blinding now and I shield my eyes, squinting to get a better look. My arms warm from the heat radiating from the orb and the smell of vanilla permeates my nostrils. What is this? My mind is racing for answers and coming up with nothing. Should I call someone? What should I do?

To be continued…


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