Catching Up

I have been busy with family matters and realized that I have been neglecting the blog. The family will be fine, just a few need to work out some problems. I helped where I could but it is up to them now.

Thursday I had an appointment with a student advisor at the college. We discussed my credits and what classes I still need to get a degree. If starting this winter I could finish by spring of 2011, just over a year. That is not so bad. My advisor seems to think that I have a very good chance of getting in and giving me more hope. I have completed the list I was given for my next appointment for the program. I can't imagine how much more they would want me to do, it seems I should be at the last act of the play.

The weather has turned cold and rainy and we have had frost a few times. I picked some green tomatoes and put them on the window sill so they would not get ruined. The growing season has been unusual this year, everything seems to be late in ripening. We just have to go with it and use what we can. I will be making some pasta tonight with a sauce made from fresh tomatoes and zucchini with garlic and basil. I have never made it before so I don't know how it will taste, hopefully good. I also plan on baking some chicken breast to go with the pasta.

The end of another week is upon us, my how the time flies. Tomorrow is football and I have to cook since I lost last week. Since it has been rainy and cold I will be creating chili. I have no set recipe, mainly what I have in the cupboards and what I feel like. Until later my friends.

I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places.
- Mark Twain


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