
Ok, here we go, I am ready to read this chapter for accounting. The full

disclosure principle calls for financial reporting (another hangnail?) of any

financial facts significant (that girl’s shoes are cute) enough to influence the

judgment of an informed reader. (Fat boys in shirts on the beach, ha ha, damn

you Hunter) In some situations, the benefits of disclosure (I wonder what the

best beach is to find shells?) not as apparent. (I wonder if anyone is on

Facebook?) For example, recently the SEC (to hell with this, I will do it later)

Swimming in work

Busy. That would describe me lately. The last few weeks of the semester is looming and all the teachers like to see just how much crap they can load on you before the end. I feel like I am either studying at home, the library, or in my sleep. You would think I would be brilliant by now, but not so much. I did sign up for a couple summer classes though, might as well keep going until my brain disolves.

With summer looming around the corner I have been having this urge to go swimming. Unfortunately the lakes are still nut shriveling cold, or in my case ovary shriveling cold. For now I will have to suffice with a short backstroke in the bathtub.

I could go to the hotel in town and pay to use their pool, but I am not a fan of chlorine. One summer when I was a kid I swam at a community pool, my hair had green streaks by August from the chlorine. So if you are blonde and want green hair, go swim in a heavely chlorined pool daily, or use hair dye, your choice.

Samson is still limping, which makes me think he tore his ACL instead of just straining it, poor puppy. He misses his walks, but I keep telling him he needs more rest, and he stares at me with those big, brown, full-of-hope eyes and I feel like such a jerk for saying no. The perils of parenting a puppy.

So I am off to the usual, kissing the dog and petting my hubby before more homework.

Stay Gold

I was watching an incredibly gold sunset earlier and all I could think was "stay gold Ponyboy".

For those of you who remember that movie or like Robert Frost, I thought I would post the poem.

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

A poet I'm not

I read on Hunter's blog that April is poetry month. I am no where near being the writer he is, so I thought I would be silly instead. Enjoy.

A prance
is a dance
done by a guy named Lance
in very tight pants

Mr. Hop-A-Long

So, Samson being the big "puppy" he is, strained his ACL a couple days ago. We took him to the vet and decided no x-rays were needed yet and she gave us some pain killer/anti-inflamitory pills for him to take. She also told us we need to keep his activity limited, has she met our dog?

Samson is recovering well, even putting weight on his injured hind leg now and then. I find it amazing how fast he can move on three legs. Today, being nice and sunny, was very hard to keep him from running around like a mad dog.

His big brown eyes look like they want to explode from pent up excitement. Whenever we walk near the door he dances on his three good legs in anticipation of a good romp. How do you make a dog understand that he needs to rest? If anyone knows, please fill me in. I guess I should have also asked for a prescription of doggie valium for the next two weeks.

Therapy Rant

Do you ever just want to freak out? I sometimes feel like that, or maybe it is just PMS. I usually don’t hold grudges against people and eventually just let it go, but lately I find myself holding my ground. I believe that I am one of those people who are always reliable and would do whatever for a friend. When you needed something I was the person to call, even if you hadn’t called me for months, I let is slide.

Back in June we had a sort of wedding reception/party at our house for our friends. We supplied all the food and asked for no presents. A couple who I have known for years was invited and said they would come. This same couple had notoriety for moving a couple hours away and didn’t inform anyone, and also she had a riff with another common friend. They also expect all of us to call them when we visit their town and “look them up”, even though they never do the same when they come back.

The day of the party she calls saying they can’t make it, her husband has to work, she doesn’t. Well, she can still come right? Wrong. I hear excuse after excuse knowing full well she is afraid to face the other friend, that he may start something. I found it highly selfish of her to think he would ruin my party just to confront her. I let it go, but it ground on me in a bad way.

When this couple was married we went and did everything we were asked to make it great. Rented a tux to stand in the wedding, even though we were broke. Picking out a thoughtful wedding gift and generally giving them support and help where needed. This is what friends do, right? So I sent her an email saying how I was disappointed, but should not have been surprised because of their history, and that my feelings were hurt that she couldn’t give me any support in return.

She emails back, calling me selfish and giving more excuses. I finally end the emails saying she is right and fighting about it is stupid, just to end it. Again I apologized for something I had no reason to apologize for.

We went and saw our friend’s band play last night and she showed up. Couldn’t come to my wedding reception, but could come to the bar? Almost everybody welcomes her with open arms, rewarding her for something she should have done a long time ago. She didn’t approach me and I did not approach her, for once I will not apologize for someone else’s misgivings.

Some people don’t understand it and call it petty, I call it standing up for me. I finally decided I am tired of it and am not taking it anymore. Why be treated like second class by your own friends? Not me, not anymore, even if they think I am the bad guy.

So that is my rant for today. “Good riddance to bad rubbish” as they say. This is my way of putting it to rest. Call it drama or whatever you want, I call it therapy.