Squeaky and the Grill

Squeaky is sitting on the desk in front of me as I write this. She watches my fingers as they type, probably wondering what I am saying with them, not that she can read. She turned her head to the screen and is now watching the words form letter by letter, maybe she can read. Sometimes Squeaky likes to type but her spelling is awful so we just stick to me typing.

I did some yoga and walked Samson this morning. I also cleaned up the kitchen and balanced the checkbook. Samson and I took the recycling to the recycle center, one of his favorite things. While I am unloading stuff into the small holes of the recycling bins he sniffs his way around all the smells of the place. He gets this free reign because nobody is usually there, it is way off the road, and he does not run away. He’s a good boy.

I was going to grill burgers and potato mess this evening for dinner, being so pleasant out, but the gas tank gave its last breath while pre-heating. Frustrated I had to put the foil wrapped potato mess in the oven and throw the burgers in a frying pan. Oven cooked potato mess does not even compare to grilled potato mess, but we made do.

Hubby and I are tied again in the football pool; tonight’s game outcome will decide the winner. We made pizza yesterday and it turned out pretty good. Nothing fancy, but instead of using prepackaged pizza sauce I made my own with fresh tomatoes and herbs, definitely the way to go. Hopefully tonight I can do a victory dance while he plans next Sunday’s meal, go Broncos!

Squeaky is informing me that I have other things to do, like pet her and play spin the cat, so I shall say adieu for now

Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many different ailments, but I have never heard of one who suffered from insomnia.
- Joseph Wood Krutch


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