Baking, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, and Freud

The sweet aroma of muffins and cookies filled my house today as I baked and be-bopped to music. I plugged my mp3 player in the stereo, cranked it up, and proceeded to mix and stir to the beat. I have to say that Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and The Brian Setzer Orchestra go great with cooking. White Zombie and Brides of Destruction were good, but it is too hard to head bang while stirring. I am sure I looked like an idiot singing and dancing around while cracking eggs and mixing, but it was fun. The banana nut muffins came out pretty good and the chocolate chip cookies happened because I was in a groove and did not want to stop.

I did manage to take the dog for a nice walk today as everything was cooling off. The sun was out and the fall colors are spectacular right now. I did remember to bundle up this time with a hat and gloves so I wasn’t froze halfway into it; what I didn’t remember was to take my camera to capture those spectacular colors, maybe tomorrow.

A few weeks ago at a resale shop I picked up an old copy of Sigmund Freud’s, A General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis. The last few nights I have been reading the book and it is not as hard to read as I assumed it would be. Why would I read such a thing? Curiosity is my only answer. It is really a collection of lectures he did on the topic so most of it is in layman’s terms. A part in “Lecture 1” caught my attention and I wrote it down because it was lyrical in its description. I will end my blog with it today, hope you enjoy.

Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power. By words one of us can give to another the greatest happiness or bring about utter despair; by words the teacher imparts his knowledge to the student; by words the orator sweeps his audience with him and determines its judgments and decisions. Words call forth emotions and are universally the means by which we influence our fellow-creatures.
- Sigmund Freud, A General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis


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