My morning

The air is warm, but the breeze has that slight cool bite to it, enough to start goose flesh on my arms. The sun has just started to rise, coloring the clouds hues of pink. The birds are especially active this morning at the feeder. The doves coo as they walk around picking up the fallen seed. Blue Jays squawk and finches twitter as they fight for seniority of the feeder.

The cedar bird feeder sits among the tall pine trees in the back yard and the birds fly to and fro, tree to tree. A gray cement bird bath waits nearby in the center of a large juniper bush. A brown finch takes a bath, slapping the water with its wings spread and feathers fluffed.

The streak of a green hummingbird near the day lilies catches my eye for a brief moment. The coffee is warm on my throat as I take a sip, leaning back and watching the action. This is my quiet time, my me time, my morning.


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