Just relaxing

No, not a heck of a lot going on today, but it is Sunday. The Sunday paper with the comics, coupons, crosswords, and travel section go nicely with a cup of coffee while I am still in my robe. Slowly perusing the paper for articles that jump out at me, and for the sections I read just because. Sunday is also breakfast day, even though it is usually more of a brunch. Today was french toast stuffed with a mixture of cream cheese and home made raspberry jelly. It came out a little sweeter than I prefer, but was edible and pretty darn good. Just another one of my food experimentations. (is that even a word?)

This afternoon has been continuing on the frustrating crossword, watching some bad tv, and doing some laundry. We also had to deal with a locksmith as he accidentally locked the key in the Jetta and it was the only one we have. Not a big deal and insurance should reimburse us. In another week Sunday will turn into football day. We are not joining any pools this year so I am trying to come up with something where we compete with each other. Something in the idea of whoever gets the most points wins and the loser had to do a chore or something for the winner. If anyone has ideas please feel free to help me out, I have 17 weeks worth of winnings to come up with.

So this is my Sunday, a true day of rest and relaxation.


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