Good Day

Do you ever just have a good day? I am having one of those, nothing spectacular or exciting, just a plain good day. I admit I am excited to be going back to school next week, I checked and it has been 8 years since I last took a college course. I made contact with a friend I haven’t seen in almost 15 years, that is pretty neat. That actually happened a few days ago but we have been conversing back and forth since. Hopefully we will get together soon and catch up.

Samson and I went for a walk being a balmy 35 degrees out. I also gave him a bath. Ok, so the bathing process is not fun and I usually get soaked, but his reaction afterward is fun. He rolls around on his bed trying to dry off and being silly. I treat him with a biscuit and he lets me trim his nails, then the brushing commences. At present time he is snoozing next to me on the couch, wore out from the activity.

So none of this sounds exciting, right? I know, but I have a smile on my face anyway and am in a really good mood. It is a shame to have such a good mood and no one to share it with, except Samson and the cats. I am in such a good mood I think I will pass on the cleaning chores today and enjoy a good book instead. Good things are coming, I can feel it.

May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. – George Carlin


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