It was a day

You ever ask someone how their day was and they reply with "It was a day.", usually said with a heavy sigh. Well,of course it was "a day", everyone had one. Although the sigh was an excellent form of body language, why leave out the adjective to finish the story? It was a bad day, a shitty day, a fucked up beyond reason day. How hard is that?

Although I am not an English major, I often scowl at the use of our language. Have we become so rushed that people expect others to understand their half-ass attempt at conveying a message?

I can blame the new generation, but that just makes me sound old. There will always be something wrong with the current generation according to the previous generation. I have to wonder if the previous generation is right to some degree though.

Has all this new technology made us more stupid? We have more mobile technology than ever and it is exciting and scary. Remember the days of watching TV, when there was only one in the house? How about before there were computers in the house? (Yes, I am old). We were forced to use a device called our imagination, although sometimes we just beat the hell out of each other for kicks. No pansy's allowed back then.

I love technology. I love the internet and my Macbook, and have developed a deep relationship with them. I enjoy TV shows, but don't watch too many anymore due to the over abundance of annoying fucking reality shows. Again, no imagination involved in the making of that stupid shit. (I would love to bitch slap the people that came up with Honey Boo Boo, actually I would rather slap them upside the cranium with a baseball bat.)

Where will we go from here? How much more can we cut to make things quicker? I am guessing the next step will be mind reading, I mean what is quicker than that? Shooting telepathic thoughts to one another, our brain waves mingling with all the electronic signals in the air. Sexting could be taken to a whole new level, wink wink nudge nudge.

As we learn to start controlling our thoughts for the future, pick up a book once in awhile and turn that damn picture box off. Let your brain work it's magic, creating images in your mind as the words roll through. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.


The Kid In The Front Row said...

It's amusing how there was an error in your first sentence, 'there' instead of 'their'. I normally don't care about that stuff but, when you're banging on about the English language, you need to realise we're all the same. We all make mistakes. And we all choose to use it differently.

In the modern world, we have new ways of communicating. 'love u xx' can feel more personal than 'I love you', depending on the context.

You can spend your time being grumpy about it, but it's more fun to enjoy the changing ways and be a part of it.

Melissa said...

Ah, egg on my face as I make one of the easiest errors. Thank you for the correction, and yes, we must accept what is. Communication has so many forms now, and I admit that I have a hard time decoding some of it.

Please excuse me while I go chase the kids out of my yard :)

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