Catching Up

So I have been busy, apparently for at least a month since my last post. I finished the last semester on a good note of making the Dean’s List. I had a few weeks in between semesters I thought would be slow, not! Between doing favors for everyone and volunteering a couple days a week the last few weeks flew by, I was looking forward to school starting again so I could slow back down.

Yesterday was my first class, government. Boring. The class is three hours long twice a week and most of it is the professor talking and he doesn’t exactly have a captivating voice. I will now take coffee to class to keep awake.

My other class is on-line through the college, Marketing. Again, boring. I have never done an on-line class so this will at least be interesting in that aspect. He has something due every day so there will be no slacking in this class, I just hope I understand it.

Along with all the other my hubby and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary yesterday. We stayed home and grilled a yummy filet mignon, asparagus, and crab cake meal. He even bought me roses, what a sweetie! It is funny to think of how much has changed in the past year and how fast it went. We really are late-bloomers, lol.

I am hoping to get back on track for the next few months, I have also missed reading my favorite other bloggers and need to catch up on their stuff, especially Hunter, The Vegetable Assassin, and Nooter. See you guys in a bit.


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