Not a kid hater

I have been enjoying the nice spring we are getting, something we haven’t gotten around here in years. This afternoon I did poop patrol, going around the whole yard and scooping up Samson’s winter droppings, sounds glamorous doesn’t it? At least he stays to the edges of the yard.

I have also been contemplating ideas for a persuasive speech I need to write this weekend. One of my ideas is being pro for kid-free zones. The idea came to me when I was trying to do work on a computer at the library and this lady had her 3-4 year old son on a computer next to me playing games while she worked on the next one. His game started messing up or something and he started whining and talking loud, eventually breaking out into crying. It was so distracting I finally grabbed my stuff and found another computer elsewhere.

The reason I love the library is the quiet and I don’t think it is the appropriate place for little kids to hang out when they are not old enough to read. There are so many other places kids don’t belong either, and I guess that is my idea for a speech. Some places, other than bars, should be adults only.

Ok, now you are thinking I hate kids. I don’t, I think most little kids are really cute and babies are adorable. I never had any, but I guess I never got around to it and I am ok with that.

So now I decide whether I can write a worthwhile speech on a touchy topic, or find something easier.


Hunter said...

Ship them all to an island. (I kid.)

Melissa said...

Very funny Hunter, is there no end to your wit:)

Nooter said...

you could search the web for some anti squirrel rant and replace 'squirrel' with 'kid', that should work. theres bound to be, like, ten hundred thousand anti squirrel rants right?

Melissa said...

hmmm, not a bad idea Nooter.

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